Alejandro Mayol Carrión

Alicante, Spain

Working experience

Frontend developer · Job&Talent

One of my main responsabilities is enabling the company's growth through the development of useful internal tools and webapps.

I also contribute to the entire frontend ecosystem by developing and maintaining an in-house design system library for React and different tooling for a micro-frontend architecture.

Frontend developer · devaway_

We worked on fast-paced startups from San Francisco to Brisbane to help them develop their MVP and get VC funds.

I was able to work on different code bases and learn new technologies from my coworkers.

Full-stack developer · Conwork

I developed medium-sized e-commerces using modern front-end tools like Vue.js and TailwindCSS. I focused on delivering high-performance websites, with beautiful, handmade UIs and SEO-friendly.

As for pure backend projects, I created several APIs with Lumen (PHP) and Deno, and tested them with Postman and Insomnia.

I was also the lead developer in charge of modernizing the company's tech stack and teaching my workmates how to use and customize tools like Webpack, PostCSS, Parcel.js and GitHub Actions for continuous delivery purposes.

Web Accessibility Consultant · Integratur

I conducted several accessibility reports to help pointing out major flags in websites and build multiple prototypes to show the end client that a compliant website with the WCAG 2.0 would look and feel the same or even better than their current website.

For this purpose, I used Vue.js, making both Single Page Applications and Multi Page Applications (with SEO in mind) and we tested out multiple approaches on accessible components and user interfaces.

Junior Web Developer · Datanet Consultores

Front-end developer in projects built with AngularJS, Angular2+ and VueJS. In the backend we used .NET to consume existing Microsoft Dynamics apps

Among other projects, I created a Mailchimp-like app, a visual editor for creating responsive email templates and the intranet for


Bachelor of Multimedia Engineering · University of Alicante

In this degree we learn everything you need to know to become a software engineer.

We study various programming languages, build web app projects and videogames and we are able to develop a real-world project from the beginning to its end, learning soft skills along the way, like time management and leadership.

Soft skills

I am able to communicate complex ideas in a simple way, both in written and spoken form.

I consider this specific skill my strongest point, as programming is only 20% of the work, and you get nowhere without proper communication.

I have been a mentor for several junior developers and I have learned how to teach them in a way that they can understand and apply the knowledge to their work.

This is something I highly enjoy doing and want to keep at it.

I am able to take ownership of a project and see it through to the end, even if it means working extra hours or learning new technologies.

I am also able to take ownership of my mistakes and learn from them.

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